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Dr.Ku Headrest

An Ergonomic Design from Orthopedic surgeons and Industrial engineers


  1. Protection of head and neck, promote the comfort and health of traveling
  2. Sanitation and safety, the headrest can eliminate the contact between the skin and the cover of seat completely, which could prevent some contagious disease
  3. Innovative design, the headrest can open and fold easily, and easy for carry, with proper care, it can be of multiple use.
It can also use for the protection of baby while in baby car seat or trolly, to protect the body from injury during traveling.


In modern world, taking a nap while traveling, communing, or during long working hours may not be a good habit, but it can elevate work proficiency, reduce mistakes, improve the mood and may even prevent from making wrong decision. Without a high back chair, napping can easily be caught, because the head started to tilt or nod. With a high back chair or a car seat with head cushion, napping is more difficult to be recognized, but tilting of head can hardly be prevented if the rest is deep enough.

All carnivore and omnivore lie flat while sleep. While fall into deep sleep, so call rapid eye movement stage according to electro-encephalogram study, the muscles of the whole body become paralyzed and flaccid. While the neurons isolated from outside world during this period of time, the connection between neurons are re-organized. The good connections preserved and trivial connections are deleted. The memory improved and new ideas erupted frequently during sleep.

With lying flat, most of joints in the body were lax and free from stress of gravity. The ligaments connecting inter-vertebral joints of neck (also called discs) are loose, the hydraulic pressure inside the discs are low, body fluid flux into the disc with nutrients and oxygen. The discs recover from the daily load. With good rest, the discs are less likely to degenerate.

But while one is napping without a good support of neck, the muscle in the neck lose its tone and started to tilt or nod. The cervical spine and muscle support the weight of a head (up to 5 Kg). At lateral tilting, the upper (tension) side, received excess traction force and the lower (concave) side sustaining compression force which prevent oxygen and nutrition entering the high pressure area. Prolonged tilting and bad posture can cause chronic strain to both sides of ligament, induces injury and inflammation. That is main cause of bony spur out-growth in the neck. Inflammation produce pain, stiffness, muscle spasm which may radiate to head, shoulder and scapular area.

Sudden onset of severe neck pain, mostly after a poor sleep or sitting and sleep, called wry neck. It can be disabilitating and need emergent treatment. It was originated from displacement of the gel-like disc away from the center and not returned to the balanced normal position. Displacement of disc outside the boundary of ligament surrounding may impinged at cervical nerve which can cause pain, numbness or even weakness of arm and hand. Surgeries such as fusion of neck spine has grown rapidly due to the success rate improved a lot in the recent decade; however, a neck surgery is not a small surgery without risk of life.

Prevention is the best policy. While sitting and resting, give your neck a good support which will protect the ligament of spine from injury of excessive stress and strain.

In the past, collar was prescribed by physicians for protection after injury of neck. The modern collar shows excellent fixation, but severe limitation of head motion which is good for post-operative care. The size is big and not handy, and it is not for normal people.

There is a kind of inflatable collar in the past. The support to the neck depends on the height of collar and length of neck. Not one fits all. The inflation and deflation processes are time-consuming. It is mostly made of plastics with artificial fluff surface coating which can easily rub off and inhaled into the air tract. It is one of the allergens in modern days.

Dr. Ku�s headrest was designed for the comfort of long distance travelers, and maintenance of the health of head and neck, the folding backboard gives the support to keep the head upright, the silky cushion gives a fine touch to the cheek and head. The locking and unlocking mechanism makes the headrest assembling and disassembling in a snap. The lightness and portability keep this new health product highly appreciated.

User�s guide

  1. Hold the headrest with the sponge facing front, open the two wings.
  2. Fold the wings into triangles along the folding lines
  3. Push the two tongues of the wings into the two slots at the middle of the two inner folding lines. Push the tongue obliquely, facilitate this step.
  4. Bend the headrest slightly to the shape of the seat back.
  5. Put the headrest at the level of your ears, if not stay steady, use the attached sticker to fix to the seatback. Beware the surface is not fragile.
  6. If you want to reuse, pull the wings out obliquely.

While using the sticker, beware the surface of the seatback is not painted Vinyl leather. The paint may be pulled up by the glue

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